Answering a Long-Time Valued Customer’s Question: Why Am I Losing My Position in Google Search

Hosting question to TVCNet from one of our decade-old clients called, frantically asking about his recent loss of position in Google search. Some of that discussion related to, “Do I need a new web host?” “What can you do to help me improve my position at Google?” and “Why is Google doing this to my business?”…

Hosting Question to TVCNet

One of our decade-old clients called, frantically asking about his recent loss of position in Google search.

Some of that discussion related to, “Do I need a new web host?” “What can you do to help me improve my position at Google?” and “Why is Google doing this to my business?”

Once the conversation had calmed down and he was open to discussing the ongoing changes with Google, AI, and the Internet in general, this was our reply. We hope you find this helpful for your business as well.


Hi John,
I’m not an SEO expert, but I can share some of my thoughts on the situation with Google Search.

My experience has been that the drop-off in traffic has been common with most folks this past year. Google has been aggressively updating its algorithm, and those updates have eroded away many of the previously used ranking techniques.

The only effective method I have found personally is to work at creating backlinks from various social media sites and implementing a multi-layered social media linking strategy for my new content. For instance, every article has an associated YouTube video, or vice versa, among other things.

I know. The old days of writing a few good articles or having a well-respected product or service used to be “it.” Not so much starting in 2024. Those times appear to have passed.

I recommend watching this video and read through the various comments as time permits, “SEO Is Dead in 2024 and What to Do,” about it:

At TVCNet, we are committed to providing you with services and advice to help your business grow. We prioritize customer service and security, offering personalized support and competitive rates for our pay-as-you-use service. We’re here to help!

👉 Let us know if you have any other questions!

– Your friends at WordPress Hosting and Website Security Services

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